% CONSTITUTIVE EXPRESSION SIMPLE MODEL ANALYSIS: clear all % Parameters definition cn = 500; Cr = cn*[600:100:6000]/720; % molec.min-1 p = 0:0.1:10; % min-1 dm = 0.247; % min-1 dp = 0.0063; % min-1 mu = 0.017; % min-1 Kmax = 1.6e8; % cells % Initial conditions n0=[1 1 1]; % Solve the model with different parameters for i=1:length(Cr) for j=1:length(p) param = [Cr(i) p(j) dm dp mu Kmax]; % ODE Options: options = odeset('RelTol',1e-6,'Stats','off','Abstol',1e-6); [t,n]=ode23t(@mc_simple,[0 450],n0,options,param); PoI(i,j) = n(end,2); end end % Plot results figure surf(p,Cr,PoI,'FaceAlpha',0.6) title("PoI expression as a function C_R y p",'FontName','Lato','FontSize',16) ylabel("C_R (molec.min-1)",'FontName','Lato','FontSize',13) xlabel("p (min-1)",'FontName','Lato','FontSize',13) zlabel("PoI (RFU)",'FontName','Lato','FontSize',13) colorbar